
Generating a custom index

By default, staticdocs lists all functions in your package in a single list. This is not very useful for large packages, so you can use a custom index.r file to specify more information.

index.r should live in inst/staticdocs and should consist of calls to sd_section(). For example, the index.r for staticdocs itself looks like this:

  "Settings functions",
  "These functions are used in `index.r` to configure various
    settings that staticdocs uses when rendering a package.  This is
    particularly useful for generating an index page that groups functions
    into useful categories",
  c("sd_icon", "sd_item", "sd_section")
#> <sd_section> Settings functions
#> These functions are used in `index.r` to configure various
#>     settings that staticdocs uses when rendering a package.  This is
#>     particularly useful for generating an index page that groups functions
#>     into useful categories
#> Topics: sd_icon, sd_item, sd_section

The first argument to sd_section() gives the name of the section. The second gives a paragraph of markdown text that will appear before the function listing, and the third argument is either a character vector of function names, or a list of sd_teim() objects.